Immersive Generative AI

Empowering businesses and users alike by easily integrating any advanced AI tool into everyday interactions.
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Virtual Intelligence Persona (VIP)
Build domain-specific Q&A experts or task-oriented assistants.
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Enterprise AI Solutions 
Name your need, we’ll build an AI solution for it.
Immersive Generative AI
Bringing the power of generative AI to the immersive web.
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Unleash the power of AI
  • Our cutting-edge generative language model allows human-like interactions in both real and virtual worlds. 
  • VIPs can process knowledge from a wide range of data sources, to instantly become domain-specific experts or task-oriented assistants. 
  • With a focus on in-scope knowledge and minimal risk of AI hallucination, VIP is safer than ChatGPT and outperforms existing chatbots.
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Enterprise AI Solutions
Customized AI Solutions for Enterprise
MeetKai specializes in developing customized generative AI solutions that address unique enterprise use cases. Since 2018, we've been committed to generative AI research and our roots have grown into a powerful suite of technologies, trusted by companies worldwide and 75M+ users. 
Metaverse Generative AI 

The exciting future of AI experiences

Locate other players, travel to other worlds, spawn vehicles, and bring your ideas to life using your voice. MeetKai is the first non-FAANG company to integrate generative AI and VR technology in one place. 

AI-Powered NPCs for the Metaverse

Create AI-driven non-playable characters (NPCs) that engage users by answering questions and promoting your brand with unique online experiences.

Enterprise Virtual Assistant

MeetKai stands at the forefront of generative AI & VR technology, delivering unparalleled solutions & experiences to web users worldwide.